- 1 corporate banner: main stadium or main gym for one season
- Ad running on score table sign
- Logo on athletic website with hotlink to corporate website if provided
- Verbal recognition during game announcements
- Thank you on dominionhigh.com, atlas.dominionhigh.com, dominiongolfclassic.com
- Thank you in ATLAS Newsletter
- Four vouchers for tickets and four vouchers for concessions items for a Titan Theatre Show
- Tee Box, Green or Fairway Sponsorship at Dominion Golf Classic Event
Maintaining Sponsor (Package 6) – $500
- 1 corporate banner: main stadium or main gym for one season
- Ad running on score table sign
- Logo on athletic website with hotlink to corporate website if provided
- Verbal recognition during game announcements
- Thank you on dominionhigh.com, atlas.dominionhigh.com, dominiongolfclassic.com
- Thank you in ATLAS Newsletter
- Four vouchers for tickets and four vouchers for concessions items for a Titan Theatre Show
- Tee Box, Green or Fairway Sponsorship at Dominion Golf Classic Event